Medical Dermatology
We are fortunate to be in an era of massive innovation in dermatology. We have safe and effective therapies now for many of our chronic inflammatory skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, and alopecia areata. Dr. Cameron’s previous experience in the drug development and medical consulting industries, as well as academic medicine, gives him a unique perspective on this innovation.
Medical Dermatology Services
“We pride ourselves on being experts in not only utilizing these therapies safely and effectively, but also putting in the work to try our very best to get these therapies in our patient’s hands. We see patients of all ages, and we look forward to the privilege and opportunity of being able to take care of your medical dermatology needs.” – Dr. Cameron
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The cause of acne is complex: clogging of pores, hormones, bacteria, and inflammatory processes all contribute. Each patient’s skin is unique and Dr. Cameron tries to tailor his regimen for each patient based on that. Depending on the patient’s severity, previous treatments, and skin type, treatment options that Dr. Cameron considers include topical prescription retinoids, prescription cleansers, prescription topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives, spironolactone, and oral isotretinoin (Accutane).
Dr. Cameron also works with his patients to discuss how to correctly use topical medications to ensure tolerability, compliance, and therefore efficacy. Once the acne is under control, Dr. Cameron also can work with patients on improving any scarring via various modalities.
If you need help getting your or your child’s acne under control, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation.
Cysts and Lipomas
Epidermal inclusion cysts, pilar cysts, and lipomas are benign growths within or below the skin. While these growths do not require treatment since they are benign, they can be surgically removed if they bother the patient. It is not recommended to manipulate or drain these on your own as they can become inflamed or infected.
Dr. Cameron can diagnose your potential cyst or lipoma and is also skilled at surgically removing them if needed.
If you are interested in discussing a possible cyst or lipoma, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation/treatment.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin rash that affects skin areas with abundant oil production (scalp, eyebrows, sides of the nose, bearded areas, behind and inside the ears, and mid chest). Dandruff usually means seborrheic dermatitis affecting the scalp. It is an inflammatory reaction to a yeast that is part of our normal epidermal microbiome: p. ovale.
The treatment of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis was historically driven by topical antifungals and steroids. While these medications are still used, for refractory cases we have new and more innovative treatment options that Dr. Cameron now also utilizes.
If your or your child’s dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis is not improving with over-the-counter treatments, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Eczema or dermatitis is an umbrella term for inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is a genetically inherited propensity for eczema caused in part by impaired skin barrier. This impaired skin barrier can be made worse by environmental factors like cold, dry weather and by personal hygiene habits like frequent hand washing or sweating. Other types of eczema include nummular eczema, chronic hand eczema, contact dermatitis, and asteatotic dermatitis.

The cause of eczema is complex, and as such Dr. Cameron’s treatment is complex and individualized for each patient. Dr. Cameron has been involved in research related to the most recent innovation in atopic dermatitis treatment (Janus kinase, or JAK, inhibitors) and these therapies are certainly part of his armamentarium. Other therapies Dr. Cameron utilizes frequently include biologics (ie, Dupixent, Adbry), topical steroids, and topical non-steroidal medications.
Dr. Cameron also recognizes that sometimes an allergy may be contributing, and when that is the case then he utilizes patch testing to identify any potential allergens. Lastly, Dr. Cameron always reviews good skin hygiene practices with his patients to ensure they are putting their skin barrier in the best place for potential success.
If you or your child’s eczema is not improving with over-the-counter treatments, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Excess Sweating
Excess sweating or hyperhidrosis is a condition that manifests itself in excessive perspiration with no apparent cause. Hyperhidrosis can present in focal areas (ie, palms, soles, or armpits) or can be more generalized. Hyperhidrosis can markedly affect a patient’s quality of life by resulting in anxiety, clothing stains, and unpleasant odors.
Depending on the patient individual needs, treatments that Dr. Cameron utilizes for hyperhidrosis include botox injections, oral medications (ie, Robinul), and topical medications (ie, Qbrexza).
If you or your child’s excess sweating is getting in the way of quality of life, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Genital Warts
Condyloma acuminatum, also referred to as genital warts, are infectious bumps cause by human papillomavirus (HPV) that develop in the groin. Although the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that the lifetime prevalence of HPV is 85%, this condition can still be very distressful for patients. These growths are initiated by picking it up from someone already infected with HPV. Genital warts can differ in shape, color, number, distribution, and size. Depending on the individual patient’s case, Dr. Cameron utilizes a variety of modalities to treat these lesions including the following: cryotherapy, topical prescription therapies, and cantharidin.
If you may have genital warts, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Hair Loss
Hair loss, or alopecia, can present in a variety of ways and be caused by a variety of underlying processes. Some forms of alopecia are scarring (ie, cicatricial alopecia) and some are non-scarring (ie, alopecia areata). Some are classified as autoimmune conditions (ie, alopecia areata), while others have no inflammatory component and are more genetic in nature (ie, hormonal, or male and female-pattern hair loss).
More rarely, hair loss can be caused by malnutrition, anemia, thyroid disorders, or medications. Dr. Cameron trained with one of the top thought leaders in hair loss at the University of Colorado, and hair loss is one of the areas in which Dr. Cameron specializes. He will take a thorough history, examine your scalp, perform any testing deemed necessary, and help formulate a treatment plan with you that is appropriate for your specific form of hair loss.
Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments that Dr. Cameron utilizes for hair loss include oral and topical minoxidil, oral and topical finasteride, oral and topical spironolactone, oral and topical JAK inhibitors, intralesional steroid injections, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.
If you or your child may have a form of hair loss, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), also called acne inversa, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects the skin of the armpits, groin, under the breasts, and/or scalp. It is characterized by persistent, waxing, and waning boils and abscesses that can combine into cords and tracts with purulent discharge and eventually scarring. HS can have a profound impact on a patient’s psychology, and data shows that many HS patients suffer from anxiety, depression, and impairment of body image.
Dermatologists have the training needed to spot the differences between HS and other conditions and this allows us to diagnose this disease early to hopefully prevent further structural damage to the skin.
Treatment options for HS depend on the severity and include medical-grade soaps, laser hair removal, topical and oral antibiotics, surgical procedures, and biologics.
If you are interested in discussing your potential HS, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation/treatment.
Hives, also known as urticaria, occur in 15-20% of people during their lifetime. Hives present as red, swollen, itchy bumps of varying shapes and sizes in the skin that last less than 24 hours and do not leave any residual trace of change on the skin. Hives are best treated with an antihistamine schedule and avoidance of triggers, including medications, heat, pressure, cold, and exercise.
Most cases of hives are idiopathic (ie, no identifiable cause). In evaluating hives, Dr. Cameron will take a thorough history to determine if there is any identifiable cause and help construct an appropriate antihistamine schedule to bring the hives to a halt. For difficult-to-treat chronic idiopathic urticaria, Dr. Cameron sometimes utilizes other therapies including Xolair.
If you or your child may have developed hives, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Melasma is a pigmentary disorder that presents with irregularly bordered brown to tan patches on the face. Melasma occurs most often in women and in patients of Asian and Hispanic descent but can also occur in all skin types. Melasma is worsened with continued sun exposure and improves with sun avoidance.
As melasma occurs most often in patients on oral contraceptive pills and during pregnancy, there is a hormonal influence. While it is less common, melasma can also occur in men. While melasma can successfully be treated, sun protection is critical long-term to prevent repeated worsening of the hyperpigmentation. Daily use of broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher containing at least 5% zinc is preferable.
Dr. Cameron utilizes topical treatments for melasma aimed at slowing or halting pigment production by melanocytes and fading existing pigment in the skin. Dr. Cameron also utilizes chemical peels and laser therapies that work to break up existing pigment in the skin.
If you may have developed melasma, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Moles (medical term: nevi) are skin lesions developing when melanocytes (pigment producing cells) grow in clusters. Melanocytes develop uniformly throughout our skin. Nevi are often different shades of brown, flesh-colored, pink, or tan. We can continue to develop moles until our early 40s, and most people have between 10 and 40 of them.
Some people can develop an atypical mole that looks different from an ordinary mole, called a dysplastic nevus. These lesions are abnormal, and depending on the level of abnormality (“dysplasia” or “atypia”), may need to be removed. Severely dysplastic nevi need to be completely removed (surgically excised) to ensure they don’t progress to malignant melanoma.
If you are concerned about a particular mole that is new, looks different, or has been changing, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus that infects the superficial layers of skin and is contagious. While the disease is technically self-limited since the body’s immune system will eventually attack the lesions, this can often take a considerable amount of time.
A study in Pediatric Dermatology showed lesions completely resolved in approximately 50% of children within 12 months and in 70% within 18 months. While one option is certainly to monitor the lesions until resolution, some patients and their caregivers would prefer to treat the lesions in the hopes of decreasing the duration of the infection.
Treatment options that Dr. Cameron utilizes include topical prescription therapies at home, the use of cantharidin (blistering beetle juice) in-office, and the use of cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen) in-office. Like chickenpox, the virus in the same family as molluscum, a small divot can form at the site of the infection with or without treatment. In adults, molluscum is typically an STD (sexually transmitted disease) and given its infectious nature, treatment is usually performed with cryotherapy. In immunosuppressed adult patients, molluscum can occur from close contact and may or may not be caused by sexual contact.
If you or your child may have developed molluscum and you want help with diagnosis and/or treatment, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron.
Nail Fungus
Superficial fungal infections of the nail plate, or onychomycosis, often present with yellow discoloration, thickening and fragility of the nails, and scaly debris underneath the nails. Topical and oral treatments for nail fungus are available. When using topical medications for nail fungus, it is important to know fingernails take 6 months to grow from origin to tip and toenails take 12-18 months.
Knowing the slow growth of the entire nail helps us understand that topical treatments need to be used daily for many months for them to be effective. Dr. Cameron utilizes a variety of topical and oral prescription therapies to treat toenail fungus. He also discusses good practices to do in conjunction at home to prevent recurrence of toenail fungus, including keeping nails trimmed, cleaning of nail clippers, and dilute vinegar soaks.
If you or your child may have developed a fungal nail infection, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Perioral Dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis is a red, scaly, and sometimes bumpy rash that tends to occur around the mouth, but can also occur around the eyes and nose (and is then called periorificial dermatitis).
There are a variety of things that can cause perioral dermatitis, and sometimes we never find a cause. One of the most common causes is previous use of topical or inhaled steroid medications. Another common cause is overuse of heavy face creams and moisturizers. This is a clinical diagnosis that Dr. Cameron manages with topical and sometimes oral therapies.
If you or your child child may have perioral dermatitis, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Psoriasis is an incurable but very treatable condition of the skin caused by rapidly dividing skin cells that lead to thick, scaly plaques. These plaques often occur on the knees, elbows, and scalp, but can also develop on other body locations. Psoriasis can also involve the nails and joints.
While there is unfortunately no cure for psoriasis, a variety of treatment modalities exist for this disease. Historically, topical steroids were the mainstay of therapy for patients with limited areas of involvement. More recently, novel non-steroidal therapies with favorable safety profiles and efficacy similar to legacy topical steroids have been developed. Dr. Cameron utilizes these therapies frequently, and when appropriate also utilizes biologics and oral small molecules that help to modulate an overactive immune system. Additional modalities available include generalized and localized phototherapy.
Dr. Cameron always screens his psoriasis patients for symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, and then through shared decision-making with his patients based on their disease severity and needs, chooses the best treatment option(s).
If you or your child may have developed psoriasis, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Not every rash diagnosis is immediately apparent. Occasionally further testing (ie, blood tests, skin biopsies) may be needed to determine the cause of a rash and to rule out more rare diagnoses. Dr. Cameron prides himself on being highly accessible to his patients from their initial consultation through their diagnosis and treatment course.
If you have a new rash that you want diagnosed, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Rosacea is a long-lasting condition of the skin that develops in adults and often in people with fair skin. The disease can present as mild changes (ie, transient flushing) or more extensive findings (ie, thickened skin texture changes with acne bumps).
We have a variety of good treatment modalities for rosacea. These treatments are designed to decrease inflammation and/or the number of broken blood vessels in the skin. Some patients respond better to different treatments than others. Based on taking a history and assessing your skin type and disease severity, Dr. Cameron will come up with a treatment plan with you; this will often involve topicals and sometimes oral therapies. Dr. Cameron also utilizes light and laser-based devices to destroys any residual blood vessels in many patients. It’s also crucial to try to avoid any triggers that increase blood flow to the face and cause rosacea flares. Triggers can include sun, wind, spicy foods, alcohol, hot beverages, exercise, and stress.
If you may have developed rosacea, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Skin Cancer
Skin cancers represent an abnormal growth of skin cells. Different types of skin cancers represent a different overgrowth of different types of skin cells. Skin cancer occurs in all races and patient populations, but those with lighter skin and those who burn easily in the sun are more likely to be diagnosed with a skin cancer. 1 in 5 or 20% of the population will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer. It is most likely to occur on areas of the skin that have been frequently sunburnt, especially the nose. While basal cell carcinoma tends to be slow growing, they do continue to grow over time and can invade surrounding structures. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment of BCC is important.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is another common form of skin cancer and develops from chronic sun exposure. It is more likely than BCC to metastasize to other body parts (often the lymph nodes), making timely diagnosis and treatment of SCC critical.
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and can arise from pre-existing moles or arise on its own on the skin, eyes, nails, or mucous membranes. Early diagnosis and treatment of melanoma is essential as it can spread quickly to other parts of the body.
Dr. Cameron did his residency training in Colorado, an area with a very high prevalence of skin cancer. He also was the first author of the cover article in the prestigious Journal of American Academy of Dermatology on continuing medical education for basal cell carcinoma. Dr. Cameron is adept and highly experienced in performing skin cancer screening, as well as treating skin cancer through various modalities (depending on the particular diagnosis), including prescription topical therapies, surgical excisions, cryotherapy, and electrodesiccation and curettage.
If you or your child has a skin lesion you are concerned about or want a skin cancer screening, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron.
Skin Cancer Screenings
Detecting skin cancer as early as possible is critical to increasing the likelihood of a successful cure. It’s recommended that all adults have a full skin examination once yearly. Patients at high risk, or those with a history of skin cancer or dysplastic nevi (abnormal moles), may need even more frequent visits. Regular self-checks at home are also recommended. Certain factors can increase your risk for skin cancer, including increased previous sun exposure and/or sunburns, previous use of tanning beds, people with light skin/blue/green eyes or blond/red hair, and a strong family history of skin cancer.
Dr. Cameron prides himself on performing thorough skin cancer screenings. He allots extra time for these appointments so that patients can be examined head to toe if they wish. We encourage patients to come with loose fitting clothing on and without nail polish so that we can also examine your nails.
If you or your child has a skin lesion you are concerned about or you want a skin cancer screening, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition where your own body’s immune system attacks your melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells in our bodies. Vitiligo results in areas of skin without pigment. Vitiligo can affect small areas of the skin or the entire body, including mucous membranes, eyes, and hair-bearing areas. Unfortunately, vitiligo rarely self-resolves and is considered a chronic condition.
Dr. Cameron is very experienced in treating vitiligo and utilizes the latest evidenced-based therapies including topical and oral JAK inhibitors when needed. Other treatment options include topical steroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, and phototherapy. Melanocytes produce melanin and help protect our skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Extra caution must be taken by patients with vitiligo given their inherent lack of sun protection. Practicing sun safety such as wearing sun-protective clothing, glasses and sunscreen is essential to preventing skin cancer.
If you or your child may have developed vitiligo, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation and treatment.
Warts are caused by an infectious virus from the HPV (human papillomavirus) family that has infected damaged skin. Depending on their location, severity, and the patient’s needs, Dr. Cameron utilizes a variety of treatments for warts. These include prescription topical therapies, cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen), intralesional candida injections, and topical cantharidin treatments. While some patients are lucky and one treatment wakes up the immune system and warts disappear, warts can be stubborn and sometimes require more than one treatment.
If you or your child may have a wart, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Cameron for further evaluation.